Agoda mobile app

UI-UX-UCD case study

2024 @ Free time

What I do

During my preparation for the DELF B2 French exam,
I completed a case study focused on redesigning an app
I frequently use but identified as having areas for improvement. I selected Agoda, an international platform catering to global travelers seeking accommodations, as it is an app I regularly use during holidays.

Using Bastien and Scapin's ergonomic rules, I identified key interface issues, such as a cluttered design and unclear key actions for users. Over a time frame of 4–8 hours, I followed a streamlined design process and produced three production-level wireframes to address these problems effectively.

If given more time, I would have conducted a competitive benchmarking analysis and further refined the designs to better align with business goals and enhance the user experience.

See more on Figma

How I do

I created a compact UI guide that included typography, brand colors, UI elements, and benchmarks derived from competitor interfaces. Additionally, I designed three production-level pages and developed a comprehensive user flow that aligned with the app's functionality and design specifications.

What I use

Ergo rules
UI Moonboard
Ideation and sketching
Home page redesigned
Hotel search redesigned
Design systemPlato appCobiotXMediation platformPersonal project